
Showing posts from May, 2019


In this short script, the author aims to highlight three episodes that have characterized Argentina’s economic performance over the last 60 years: in doing so, the author wants to emphasize common features across the three crises presented. However, the central argument the author points out is that without any adjustments in terms of macroeconomic fundamentals Argentina is doomed to another populist experience. It’s not an easy job for Macri to get rid of Argentina’s image of a serial defaulter on its debt- seven times on its external and five times on its internal debt over 200 years is a record. Despite IMF came to rescue Buenos Aires with a record $56bn loan package-this is a record as well, Argentina is on a cliff edge. However, Argentina is accustomed to crises. Since the 50s up until mid 70s, Argentina decided to embrace the so-called Import Substitution industry ( ISI ): as many emerging markets and developing countries, Buenos Aires committed to repl